Thursday, October 9, 2008


Erisya terima foto dari teman di Tokyo. Inilah kali pertama dia menghantar foto pemandangan. Biasanya dia cuma menghantar foto sekeluarga di sana. Foto ini diambil di Osaka Castle. Dia tidak menceritakan secara terperinci tentang tempat ini, cuma menghantar dua keping foto tanpa cerita.

Begitulah adanya, dia tak suka menulis. Kalau hantar emel pun , cuma sekadar " apa kabar? sihat?" dan dilampirkan foto famili di sana sebagai tanda dia sekeluarga sihat walafiat. Cukuplah sekadar tanda masih mengingati seorang teman lama!


  1. Hi Erisya, beautiful pics.
    By the way, have you seen the movie, 'Shogun'? Or the CD movie?
    If not, rent it....beautiful movie and this building is used in the movie.
    You keep well...oh ya, love your beautiful songs here..nice. Lee.

  2. hi Lee,
    yes, I had seen the movie.I even had visited the shogun's house in Kyoto unfortunately no photos since I had lost the memory card there :(

  3. hi Lee,
    yes, I had seen the movie.I even had visited the shogun's house in Kyoto unfortunately no photos since I had lost the memory card there :(


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